Monday, January 2, 2012

Private Room Event: 1st Round 12/30 - 1/30

When there is a sale, hunt or fashion event and I hear about it, I'm on my way there, like a puppet on a string and I have no control and I lose my mind for a bit and spend spend spend!  Even the hunts that are free, I, probably like so many others, can't help but look for more than whatever is being hidden at the time.  Yeah, I just might miss something that is super hot at this store and I will just have to have it. ugh
For the Private Room Event (PRE), I found plenty to spend my lindens on.  Great designers, including..YES.. omg a new al vulo skin (did i say before how much i love this skin..omg the nipples make me weak! =P), and all at excellent prices.  The skins from Al Vulo were 300L, and I'm pretty sure all of the clothing was 100L or less.  This event is really worth checking out!

.MarieDoll. - Shasha Hair - Black (PRE)
[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Polly ] - [ Natural Cacoa ] (PRE)
FASHISM 'Sunrise' Eyes -
Azure Light
Apple May Designs Ultimate Lashes - Hot Mess
[ glow ] Studio  ALLSTARs Earrings (purple,blue, green) TDR
S (and) P - Ecdysis Tattoo (PRE)
::LEO-NT:: <3 BED of ROSES (sold separately PRE)
[GENRE] Combi Zeb Black ! (PRE)
*TwInS FaShIoN - TF* Leo Boots Black(PRE)

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